per item
Acrylic Painting
Scott Little
MON 4:00-5:20pm (1.5 hour class)
$130 for 8 weeks; $65 for 4 weeks
begins Feb 26th
Contact studio to check if there is space in the 5:30pm classes: [email protected]
MON 5:30-6:50pm (1.5 hour class)
$130 for 8 weeks
MON 5:30-7:20pm (2 hour class)
$175 for 8 weeks
Open studio class with instruction in specific techniques as needed, including color blocking, color mixing, blending and more. Instructor will give class prompts; students can choose to work on the demonstrated acrylic painting technique for a finished artwork, or work on their individual project with instructor assistance.
Scott Little
MON 4:00-5:20pm (1.5 hour class)
$130 for 8 weeks; $65 for 4 weeks
begins Feb 26th
Contact studio to check if there is space in the 5:30pm classes: [email protected]
MON 5:30-6:50pm (1.5 hour class)
$130 for 8 weeks
MON 5:30-7:20pm (2 hour class)
$175 for 8 weeks
Open studio class with instruction in specific techniques as needed, including color blocking, color mixing, blending and more. Instructor will give class prompts; students can choose to work on the demonstrated acrylic painting technique for a finished artwork, or work on their individual project with instructor assistance.